What works for you, works for us.
Supports can be offered in a range of everyday environments such as at home, playgroup, sporting and community activities. Families and carers will also be supported to help their NDIS Participants develop and use new skills. Every NDIS Participants and family will require different types of supports and services according to their needs. We work with the community to identify the most effective intervention supports NDIS Participants will need. We will support both inclusion in community services as well as providing a pathway into the NDIS for NDIS Participants who require longer-term support.
We don’t employ traditional ‘Support Workers’. We employ ‘Personal Assistants’ and ‘Life Skills Coaches’.
We specialise in one-on-one life skills coaching for NDIS Participants.
We connect you with your community. Working from a strengths-based approach, we will coach and support you to take the next step to be fully included in community life.
Our Services

Therapy for Kids
All NDIS Participants develop differently and sometimes, an NDIS Participants needs a little help to find their feet. Put the right support in place and everyone benefits, because disability or developmental delays affect the whole family.
Our specialist therapists at Base Disability work together to assess and deliver the therapy NDIS Participants require and provide the support that families need. We work flexibly and can come to your home, your NDIS Participants’s school or just about anywhere you need us.
Our aim is to provide your family with as much or as little support as you need. More at critical developmental stages or through big transitions, such as starting school, and less as your NDIS Participants and family find your feet.
Our Programs
Base Disability Zone program is designed for young adults who are living with disability aged 18-25 years old. Activities are based on goals of community participation and independent living skills.
These programs a designed to support and assist you in the development of valuable life skills.
If you enjoy going out with your peers, making new friends, and visiting places while receiving the support you need, contact Base Disability for more information.
Registered NDIS Provider

Independent Living Options (ILOs)
Base Disability can help you explore a range of independent living options to decide which ILO arrangement is right for you. We have skills and experience and a process to start developing an ILO proposal tailored to your needs. ILOs support people with a disability to live more inclusively – in a regular house, on a regular street, in a welcoming community. ILO arrangements include:
Living Alone – you live in your own home and have a package of formal and informal supports.
Co-Resident – you live in your own home with one or more people who provide an agreed level of support and companionship in return for free or discounted rent or board.
Host Arrangement – living with a non-related family or individual in their home who provides in home supports, household assistance, emotional support and a comfortable and welcoming environment.
Living Together – you live in your own home with other people that you choose to live with through existing relationships, and support workers provide assistance with daily living and community participation.
Our aim is to empower clients to make choices, achieve their goals and lead an independent and rewarding life.

Short Term Accommodation (Respite)
The Base Family Disability Respite Centre offers short term respite service break can give you time to do everyday activities and will give you the opportunity to look after yourself a bit.
Base provides a fun and inclusive environment with excellent care in an accessible and modern house. Your short-term stays provide you a safe and supported space where you can build new friendships and practice your independent living skills.
This unique Centre is a combination of style, innovation and functionality and is based solely around individual’s goals and needs. It provides flexible and adaptable respite opportunities, direct support and various other community-based services for NDIS Participants and carer support programs for families and carers.
Staff at the respite house will assist you with social outings and recreational events such as exploring the community through outings like movies, zoo or going out for dinner – it’s your choice what you would like to do.
Base Disability provide specialist transport services for people with disability. Our drivers and support staff assigned to work with you to not just get you from A to B, but we are a part of your journey to success as well.
Whether you need regular transport services every day or a few times a week or just occasionally, we can get you where you need to go safely and with care.

School Leaver Employment Support (SLES)
School Leaver Employment Supports (SLES) is an early intervention system for participants in their last few years of school. It supports their transition from school to employment.
SLES funding builds a participant’s ability and confidence to work with a Disability Employment Service (DES).
The NDIS fund SLES for up to two years, depending on the participant’s circumstances.
We work closely with people with disability and employers to help people reach their potential.
Our program is run by a team of enthusiastic employment advocates. We offer ongoing, custom-made support to make sure that the people we work with receive the support they need at the right time.

Services for Job Seekers include but not limited to:
Resume and career advice.
Individual mentoring.
Ongoing on-job support.
Access to a professional Therapeutic Support Team.
Suitable work experience placement that matches skills and abilities.
Help with identifying, applying and accessing suitable tertiary studies.
Assistance securing entry level employment while studies are completed.
Funding for courses such as Barista and Responsible Service of Alcohol.
Help identifying opportunities for traineeships and apprenticeships.
Base Disability SLES supports will help you prepare for employment
Money handling skills
Time Management Skills
Communication Skills
Discovery Activities
Work Experience
Learn to follow instructions
Travel Skills
Talk to us today
We offer a free, no obligation consultation to determine whether we are the right match for your needs. If we can’t offer you a very high-quality match, we won’t waste your time or try to sell you a service you don’t need.
For a confidential chat, call Kele on {0413995797} or Samuel on 0421657703
Social and Community Participation
Base Disability are here to support you to participate in community, social or recreational activities, e.g. sport or exercise activities, artistic and musical programs, or hanging out with friends.
Our staff are motivated and trained in all aspects of assisting people with disability to make choices, interact with others and to participate in activities of their choosing, and can help you: